There’s a place between a moustache and a goatee, and it’s called the d’Artagnan. Yes, this is also a tie-in to that new movie about the fourth Musketeer.
Read MoreFanatics might’ve ruined the NHL (and we’re not talking about human beings), the daredevils who race cars on ice, there might be a multiverse after all, plus the latest on that Canadian Parliament TikTok thing.
Read MoreHow much to tip, why no-shows get cut-eye, plus everything else you ought to know about barbershop conduct.
Read MoreEver heard of dihydrotestosterone? Know what a nape is? Clued-up to the benefits of hydrolyzed wheat protein? Come on, it’ll be fun.
Read MoreOur pledge to support disaster survivors from Turkey, Syria (and Ukraine), how you can help, plus another way to send aid thanks to a group of Harvard students.
Read MoreWith special thanks to Toronto-based mobile Scotch tasting service, Neat Scotch House.
Read MoreMicrosoft pretty much bought ChatbotGPT’s creator, a Toronto couple’s house gets sold by thieves while abroad, robot umpires are coming to baseball, plus more of what you might’ve missed of late.
Read MoreHow to wear one of men's grooming's most challenging haircuts without looking like Tiger King (featuring a possible origin story)
Read MoreWant a face shield for cold air? Look no further than a famous African nut tree (we’ll explain).
Read MoreIn which we present the paradox of all grooming paradoxes.
Read MoreThere’s science — both new and ancient — that proves sweating balls in a room does wonders for your health. Click this post for more on the matter.
Read MoreAnimal testing’s on its way out, the business of thinking like Sun Tzu, plus more of what you missed of late
Read MoreA champion of human rights and a hero to millions, we look back at the man, the legend, and the barber who groomed his moustache.
Read MoreEver seen a 100% waxed cotton wash bag?
Read MoreA word on the fail-proof (and face shape friendly) crew cut.
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