Returns & Exchanges

Returns & Exchanges

While we strive to earn your complete satisfaction on all orders, we understand that sometimes items need to be returned. We accept returns within 30 days of invoice date, so long as there’s at least 80% of the product remaining. Please note: This applies to grooming products only; Candles that have been used will not be accepted as a return.

We don’t currently offer exchanges.

We figured this was a fair way to do things, and we appreciate your understanding.

Return Instructions:

  • Please email and we’ll get back to your within 24 hours, scout’s honour.

  • Once authorized, please send your return to the following address. One thing, though: Crown Shaving Co. does not cover return shipping; Customers will have to select the return shipping method.

Crown Shaving Co.

10480 Islington Ave., Studio #6

Kleinburg, Ontario

L0J 1C0



Please contact us immediately at if you receive a damaged product (i.e. a broken bottle, tube or closure), or if you are missing an item in your order. We will either track your package or happily replace the damaged items at our expense. With regards to exchanges, all damaged items must be sent to our offices for a new unit.

Shipping Notice


International shipping may incur additional customs costs that are the responsibility of the customer.