Why We Made An Aluminum-Free Deodorant

No, this is not a hit piece on anti-perspirants.

It’s simple: We made an aluminum-free deodorant because a lot of us need them. And that our deodorant has none of the metal element doesn’t mean we don't like it. Some people actually need to use products with aluminum, but those aren’t deodorants. More on this in a bit.

So why do some men need aluminum-free deodorants? The short answer is rubbing aluminum on our pits can irritate the skin there, especially if we’re already allergic to cosmetics. What’s key to remember here is while no body likes having fiery pits, it’s a generally harmless effect. But that doesn’t mean we have to bear it. We just wanted to make something that would guarantee those of us with sensitive hides would be alright. And we didn't want something that wet (who wants that?), nor did we want something so dry it’ll pull our hair out.

“Our is a simple, but effective formula, and it took me about three years to get it to the point where I was completely happy with it,” says Crown founder, Dino Carraciolo. “We had to make a lot of revisions, though, and some serious filed testing and lab stability testing went into it.”

The key fact to know here is that deodorants and antiperspirants are not the same. Based on the study in that link, “while deodorants are considered cosmetic products because they do not change the function of the skin, antiperspirants are classified as drugs and are therefore subject to rules and regulations set forth by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).”

But why would you rub a drug on your axilla, right?

One word—hyperhidrosis… or in other words, the condition of sweating way more than the average guy needs to in order to maintain a regular temperature. According to the Canadian Dermatology Association, around 950,000 Canadians have this, and according to a 2018 report from the American Journal of Managed Care, 4.8 percent of Americans do, too. Since aluminum’s known to block sweat from getting through skin pores, antiperspirants are often the first thing a doctor prescribes for hyperhidrosis.

Our deodorant’s made with natural ingredients that keep foul pits a non issue, but because there’s no aluminum, they will allow sweating to happen. And for those of you willing to make the switch, there might be a short “detox” stage where, for about one to two weeks, you might sweat a little more than normal. But the good thing is, you’ll smell like your favourite barbershop in those parts while you do. Speaking of, we added a tiny amount of our signature scent, so in fairness, it’s not a fragrance-free product. But if it got past Dino’s litmus test, then you’ll be alright, allergy sufferers. And remember, Dino started this brand because he hates how the mass-produced stuff can mess with sensitive skin.

Also, ours kill pit stains, a byproduct of… aluminum.

That same study mentions another scare you may have heard of, cancer, but a recent report from the Cancer Council of Western Australia debunks it, citing six different studies conducted between the late nineties and 2016. In fact, researching any link between aluminum and cancer won’t yield much in the way of hard proof.

In case you’re wondering, we’ve put a skin-friendly blend of ingredients in our deodorant. “Tapioca starch and some sodium bicarbonate helps absorb moisture while neutralizing bad odours,” says Carraciolo. “I also added some coconut oil, which acts as a bacteria killer, and some shea butter and triglyceride, both great moisturizers.”

And no, this deodorant might not be for all of you. That’s cool. We still love you.

We just can’t promise you won’t get hooked if you give it a shot.

That was our best attempt at brainwashing.

‘Till next time, gentlemen.